
Tuesday 02 2024




Title: Nurturing the Soul: Reflections on My Spiritual Childhood Days


Childhood is a time of innocence, wonder, and discovery. It is a phase where the mind is open to new experiences, and the heart is receptive to the beauty of the world. For me, my childhood days were not just about games and laughter; they were also deeply intertwined with a spiritual journey that laid the foundation for the person I am today. In this reflection, I delve into the memories of my spiritual childhood days, exploring the influences, experiences, and lessons that shaped my soul.

Family Traditions and Rituals:

I was born into a very middle-class family in a remote village in India where no good school or hospital was available even the roads were not motorable. But I grew up in a household with strong spiritual values, my childhood was steeped in the rich tapestry of family traditions and rituals. Each day began with the chanting of prayers, creating a devotional atmosphere that set the tone of the day ahead. These rituals weren't mere routines but acts of devotion that instilled a sense of connection to something beyond the tangible.

My parents, with their unwavering faith, played a pivotal role in nurturing my spiritual growth. Even my Elder Brother taught me so many things. He was born with a high spiritual legacy which he carried from his earlier life (according to my parents). They not only taught me the significance of prayer but also demonstrated the values of compassion, humility, and gratitude. Through their actions, I learned that spirituality wasn't confined to a sacred space or a specific time but permeated every aspect of life.

Nature's Temples:

One of the most enchanting aspects of my spiritual childhood days was the profound connection to nature. We lived in a very remote village of India where we had acres of cultivable fertile land, an attached pond for fish cultivation, a couple of cows, goats, and ducks, and a wide courtyard where I usually played with village friends but the temple was set in a near distant place of our house where I learned to live with the nature. Every morning at 5’clock my mother cleaned the temple and then she woke us up for prayer. We were the devotees of Lord Krishna. My mother could sing very well and she often sang Krishna Bhajan. However, I was totally ignorant about the meaning of the song but I had to sit there till the completion of Pooja and other rituals. My interest was only in sweets offered to God (Prasad).

After completion of Pooja, my mother offered Prasad (sweets and other fruits offered to Lord Krishna) to other members of the family. Then the day started with breakfast and other activities. I was very much interested in climbing trees and my mother usually called me as monkey. I strolled through lush meadows, and gazing at starlit skies became moments of communion with the universe. I learned to find solace in nature, understanding that it was a sacred place where I could feel a higher power's embrace. This connection with the natural world became a source of inspiration and a reminder of the transcendent beauty that exists beyond the mundane.

Stories that Stirred the Soul:

My spiritual education was not limited to formal teachings or religious doctrines; it extended to the captivating stories that stirred my soul. At bedtime, my mother often sang Bhajans of Lord Krishna and told different stories of saints, and sages from Ramayana and Mahabharata, and moral parables filled my nights with a sense of wonder and reverence. These stories weren't just fables; they were narratives that illuminated the path of righteousness and virtue.

The tales of selfless acts, perseverance in the face of adversity, and the triumph of goodness over evil left indelible imprints on my impressionable mind. They sowed the seeds of empathy, kindness, and a deep understanding of the human experience. In those stories, I discovered that spirituality was not about rigid rules but a guide for navigating the complexities of life with grace and compassion.


Questions and Curiosities:

As I navigated my way through the labyrinth of childhood, my spiritual journey was marked by an innate curiosity and a relentless pursuit of answers to life's profound questions. Why are we here? What is the purpose of suffering? Is there a higher power guiding our destinies? These queries were not stifled but encouraged, sparking conversations that delved into the depths of spirituality.

My parents, recognizing the importance of nurturing a questioning mind, encouraged me to explore various spiritual traditions and philosophies. This openness broadened my perspective, allowing me to appreciate the diversity of beliefs while discerning the universal threads that bind humanity's spiritual tapestry.

Challenges and Growth:

No spiritual journey is devoid of challenges, and my childhood was no exception. The tumultuous adolescent years brought about a period of questioning and skepticism. As I grappled with the complexities of identity and sought my place in the world, the spiritual foundation laid in childhood provided an anchor amidst the storm.

Adversity became a catalyst for growth, and the lessons learned during those formative years became invaluable. The values instilled in childhood acted as guiding principles, steering me back to the path of spirituality when life's turbulence threatened to derail my sense of purpose.


Reflecting on my spiritual childhood days fills my heart with gratitude for the profound influences that shaped my soul. The rituals, connection with nature, inspiring stories, and the freedom to question and explore have collectively contributed to a spiritual foundation that continues to anchor me in the complexities of adulthood.

Childhood, with its innocence and receptivity, serves as a fertile ground for planting the seeds of spirituality. It is a time when the boundaries between the material and the divine are blurred, allowing the soul to blossom with the purest intentions. As I journey forward, I carry the lessons of my spiritual childhood, a beacon that illuminates the path toward a life infused with purpose, compassion, and a deep connection to the sacred.



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