
Wednesday 21 2024


     Exploring the Ancient Techniques of

 Lambhika Yoga for Modern Well-being

Introduction to Lambhika Yoga: My unique experience

What is Lambhika Yoga – “Kapalakuhare jivha prabistha viparitaga

                                    Bhruborantargata dristhimudra bhavati Khechari”

Another name of Lambhika Yoga is Khechari Mudra.

The meaning of the above Sanskrit Sloka is “Lambhika Yoga is turning the tongue backward into the cavity of the cranium and turning the eyes inwards towards the eyebrows center”.

 Lambhika Yoga, a relatively obscure yet profoundly impactful branch of the ancient practice of yoga, focuses on the control and regulation of the breath through specific techniques involving the tongue. This unique form of yoga, deeply rooted in the traditional yogic scriptures, aims to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit, leading to improved health, heightened awareness, and spiritual growth. After my initiation from my beloved Guruji in Kriya Yoga, from the very fast he advised me to elongate my tongue. I asked how can I elongate? He advised me to massage the lower portion of the tongue and stretch and move side by side as much as possible. Before doing this, apply butter or milky products. When the tongue touches the nose tip, then slowly try to push back the tongue inside towards the palate. On doing so continuously, one day the tongue will enter inside the cranium. When the tongue is inserted right up into the nasal cavity, the breath can be directed into either nostril by the tip of the tongue. Then the tip of the tongue will be able to block the nostril. On continuous practice, the tongue will move up to the eyebrows center and it will take a long period.


Origins and Philosophy of Lambhika Yoga

The origins of Lambhika Yoga trace back to ancient India, where it was practiced by yogis seeking to attain higher states of consciousness through the mastery of breath control, or pranayama. Unlike more familiar forms of yoga that emphasize physical postures (asanas), Lambhika Yoga focuses on the subtle energy channels (nadis) and the flow of life force (prana) within the body. The philosophy behind this practice is the belief that by controlling the breath, one can control the mind and, consequently, achieve a state of deep meditation and enlightenment.

Techniques and Practices in Lambhika Yoga

Central to Lambhika Yoga are the techniques involving the manipulation of the tongue to influence the flow of breath and energy within the body. These practices include the Khechari Mudra, where the tongue is rolled back towards the pharynx, and then start Pranayama. Take a breath slowly for six seconds and exhale for six seconds thinking about the six Chakras of the Body. On continuous practice, one day your breath will be stopped and this is called Kevala Kumbhaka. On completion of this, start Sitali Pranayama, involving inhalation through a curled tongue. These techniques are designed to cool the body, calm the mind, and prepare the practitioner for deeper meditation. Additionally, Lambhika Yoga includes specific breathing exercises aimed at cleansing the Nadis, balancing the chakras, and revitalizing the body's energy system.


Benefits of Practicing Lambhika Yoga

The practice of Lambhika Yoga offers a multitude of benefits, both physical and mental. Physiologically, it can improve respiratory function, enhance oxygenation of the blood, and regulate the body's temperature. Mentally, it promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and helps in managing anxiety and depression. Spiritually, Lambhika Yoga serves as a gateway to higher consciousness, fostering a sense of inner peace, enhancing intuition, and facilitating a deeper connection with the self and the universe. On attaining the higher state, the practitioner can hear and see the long-distance happenings as per his will. This state is unique in nature. This should be learned from a Siddha Guru who has crossed all the stages of Kriya Yoga.

Integrating Lambhika Yoga into Daily Life

Incorporating Lambhika Yoga into one's daily routine can be a transformative experience. It is advisable to start with guidance from a Siddha guru who can ensure that the techniques are performed correctly and safely. Practitioners can begin with a few minutes of Lambhika Yoga each day, gradually increasing the duration as they become more comfortable with the practices. Over time, the integration of Lambhika Yoga into daily life can lead to significant improvements in health, well-being, and self-awareness.

Conclusion: The Path to Well-being through Lambhika Yoga

Lambhika Yoga, with its focus on breath control and the subtle energetics of the body, offers a unique and powerful path to physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. By mastering the techniques of Lambhika Yoga, individuals can unlock the door to a more balanced, harmonious, and enlightened existence. As we continue to explore and embrace the diverse practices within the world of yoga, Lambhika Yoga stands out as a profound tool for transformation and self-discovery, promising a journey towards ultimate well-being and inner peace.



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